I had to dust off my keyboard and computer screen, it’s been so long since I’ve written a blog post!
The dust has settled on the new store opening in Old Town Monrovia and I feel as though I have regained my life back. As a result, I was able to tackle a fun painting project..for the sheer enjoyment of it. Imagine that.
I picked up this ornately detailed antique dresser months ago at an antique store near my sister’s house. It was a great piece for a nice shade of neutral…some Paris Grey, French Linen or Coco. But I have been painting so much light and neutral shades for the past three months I had the itch for a little excitement!
I started with a 50/50 mix of Florence and Napoleonic Blue Chalk Paint®. I didn’t mix the batch thoroughly and was able to get some marbling effects as the brush blended the colors together while I was painting. Once the base color dried, I added some more Florence to the mix and watered it down to create a wash.
The top got a thorough wash with the Florence mixture and the effect is pretty erratic since I added it to the peacock blue shade that I had mixed for the base coat.
I didn’t want to give a whole lot of distressing since the detail spoke for itself, but there were some problems with chipping veneer so I hit the edges and imperfect sections with some 220 grit sandpaper then finished with a top coat made up of heavy Dark Wax to Clear Wax mixture.
You can see more detail shots of this piece on our facebook page or purchase it at knot too shabby GLENDORA!