In a moment of weakness, I sprung a whopping $50 on a great dining room table set. But, after off-loading that amazing hutch that I had a few weeks ago (the one that cost $25 and sold for $400), I was out of any high-priced inventory to sell. So, I bought a very large dining room table with 4 very large matching chairs and I was hoping that I would be able to sell the complete set for around $275. Not thinking it through, however I didn’t have any place to store the table. And the chairs were problematic because they were so large that they didn’t stack well so took up loads of space in the garage. After two weeks of re-arranging and struggling to get to things in the garage, I threw my hands up in the air and dropped the price to a mere $125. I sold it this weekend to a buyer who managed to negotiate the price down to $100. So, I at least made 50 bucks in the deal.
5-Piece Pine Wood and Off-White Dining Room Table with leaf
Paid $50 (Original asking price, $125)
Sold for $100
Unique White Octagon Shaped Side Table
Remember this table from last week? I pulled it off of the curb by someone’s trash and Sammi helped me make it over with some wood putty, sandpaper and white paint.
Sold for $25 (It didn’t look as nice in person as it does in the picture)
Antique Secretary with 3 Drawers
Paid $25 (Original asking price, $40)
Sold for $100
The owner sold this piece with a “matching chair,” which in fact didn’t match at all. I sold the chair a few weeks ago to an antique dealer for $10. And, this didn’t look as great in person as the picture makes it look. It was quite scratched and dinged up…but a rag and some Old English did wonders to cover up the many imperfections. Finally, and ebay sale worth mentioning…
Thanks to a find by my mom and some quick research on my new droid (a “mommy pickers” best friend), I got all four of these Build-a-Bear outfits for $2! They closed auction this week at over $31! That was two bucks well spent.
My favorite find of the weekend…
I LOOOOVE this piece of furniture! It is so unique and versatile that it could be used as a dresser, kitchen hutch or entertainment center. And, it is fairly large…about chest high. The best part about it…it doesn’t need any work and I can sell it “as is.” Unfortunately to my friends I ran into yard saling this weekend-Bobby and Melissa ;)-I wasn’t kidding when I said that “I already got the good stuff at that house.” I got this and another nice piece of furniture earlier in the morning and was even offered double my purchase price from a guy walking out with me. Sadly, I have very little tact and declined his offered but told him it would be posted on craigslist later in the day.
Check out the complete posting to see more pictures!