Remember that piece of furniture that I packed in my luggage from Virginia?
I think it is a hamper.
I used a dresser that I saw in Virginia as my inpsiration.
That one on the left with the blue and white.
This is how it came out.
I took the knobs off of it and filled the holes. It seemed silly to have knobs when there weren’t any drawers.
It is painted in Old White with clear wax. The “art” is in Provence.
I really need to improve my free-hand artistic abilities!
Really cute, Michele. You did a nice job with your take on the inspiration piece. I’m not sure how big the piece is..does it have any holes drilled in the back for air circulation (hamper)? My Mom had a piece like that that she kept under the counter in the kitchen that held a big bag of flour. Hope you have a good evening- xo Diana
I didn’t see any holes in the back but it looks like it could’ve been used for flour. There is white residue in the bottom.