by Caitlin | Apr 19, 2019 | Community, Inspiration, Other
The knot too shabby BAZAAR Furniture Makeover Competition was a great success this year. The competition took place downtown Glendora on a beautiful sunny Saturday. Where five participants brought a piece of furniture painted in Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint or Annie...
by Caitlin | Apr 28, 2017 | Community, Inspiration, Other
To enter in the #knottooshabbyBAZAAR Furniture Makeover Competition, knot too shabby customers were challenged to bring a piece of furniture to the 2017 knot too shabby BAZAAR in the Glendora Village that they had painted with Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan or Miss...
by Michele | Feb 9, 2017 | Inspiration
The Antique Hall Tree This is one of those pieces that purists cringe at painting. It had such a lovely, rich, worn patina. But, didn’t go with the rest of the decor. Barb, our client wanted to incorporate one of the Cavallini World Map papers on the front tray...
by Michele | Feb 6, 2017 | Inspiration
I have a love/hate relationship with custom work. I love the work because painting is what I love to do. The more there is, the happier I am. But, when I am commissioned to paint a piece for a specific person with a specific style in a specific color my nerves go a...