Antique Hope Chest

I painted this antique hope chest in French Linen with a wash in Coco, details in Old White and finished with Miss Mustard Seed’s Antiquing and Clear Beeswax. To see all the process pictures, check out our photo-tutorial on facebook and the image gallery on the...

Gold Gilding Wax with Artissimo and Aubusson

Months and months ago, I picked up this vintage sideboard from an estate sale that Little Miss Clutter Buster was hosting. I love buying furniture from her estate sales because there is such a large crew of people working that I never have to load anything myself! đŸ™‚...
Gal Pals Chalk Paint® Workshop

Gal Pals Chalk Paint® Workshop

Calling all ladies! Grab your best buddy and drag them along for a fun “gal pals” Chalk Paint® workshop! Worried about taking a paint brush to your own furniture? Have no fear. This introductory class will teach you how to paint, distress and wax your...
Gal Pals Chalk Paint® Workshop

Chalk Paint® Workshop

Worried about taking a paint brush to your own furniture? Have no fear. This introductory class will teach you how to paint, distress and wax your furniture, and best yet, you have your choice of painting your own piece or one of ours! If you paint your own piece of...
Chalk Paint® Decorative Finishes Workshop

Chalk Paint® Decorative Finishes Workshop

When you find cosmetically damaged furniture that has seen better days and appear at first glance to be destined for the landfill, applying a decorative finish is the perfect solution to salvage what others see as a lost cause. This two hour class will not only cover...