We are within days of receiving our first shipment of Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint! There are over 80 retailers throughout the US and Canada on the list to sell this line of Milk Paint, and we are super fortunate to be one of them. 
A few weeks ago, I ordered my sample kit so that I could start playing with the colors and finishes. I saved this particular piece especially for milk paint. 
Of my three sample colors, I opted to paint this one shutter Gray and Ironstone. 
The original mirror was missing so I used the frame to make a chalkboard instead. Perfect as a dining room buffet! 
Ironstone is painted in the details.
I was hoping for a chippy look throughout, but it really only chipped on the legs and the white decorative piece on the front. 
I left the top in its original stain, but used the Hemp Oil to refresh the look and polish out some of the wear and scratching. 
It worked like a charm. Completely refreshed the top into the rich golden wood tones. 
The entire outside was given a protective finish with the beeswax which I loved. The beeswax was like tapioca pudding! Soft, textured and went on like a dream. 
I have a sample of Tricycle Red that I will be playing with this week. 
And, another post coming this week…a craigslist first for me! It’s a story worth sharing as I was nearly caught up in a craigslist scam via text and paypal! Wait til’ you hear about it.
Until then…