I LOOOOOVE my customers! Especially, those who have followed and supported me since the very beginning. The ones that are looking at for our best interests and finding ways to help us succeed!

That being said, one of my favorites cruised into the shop on a random Wednesday afternoon and said that her neighbors were out the house and a demolition crew was slated to come tear down the entire place…house, barn and everything in between. Another McMansion is slated to take the place of yet another run down, deserted and seriously neglected Glendora farm house.


It is what it is…I can’t do anything about preserving the history of the home…but I can salvage anything and everything to bring new life to it. As I’m rummaging through boxes of junk and rooms of furniture I’m thinking about how much my husband is going to kill me when I call and ask him to leave work early and meet me with the truck. Poor guy…it’s gotta be great stuff for me to do that to him!


The stuff was RADICAL, to say the least. Every square inch from floor to ceiling plus everything in between was painted in vibrant shades of teal, orange, purple, yellow. I can only imagine that whoever lived in that house (decades ago, mind you) was in some sort of pot induced euphoria and felt the need to express themselves through bright color.

Among the many vivid items I pulled out of the house was this sweet country hutch.


Okay…I know it doesn’t look so sweet now. But, with a fresh color it has real potential.

This piece was a classic candidate for Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint with a layered color palette.

Step One:

Start with aggressive cleaning. I needed to remove all of the dirt and grime inside and out.

Step Two:

Outside framework received a base coat in Miss Mustard Seed’s Layla’s Mint; a beautiful mint green shade ideal for a country finish.



Step Three:

First Coat on the inside shelves in Annie Sloan Paint, Old White. Why Chalk Paint®? Well…the shelves were covered with this obnoxious contact paper then painted with some gnarly green latex product. The contact paper was not coming off so I opted to just paint over it. Chalk Paint® being ideal for abnormal finishes was the perfect product to use on the contact paper. Milk Paint, with it’s generally unpredictable nature would more than likely chip and flake from the paper and I wanted a more tailored finish on the inside cabinets…something easier to control an manipulate.


Step Four:

Once the base coat of Layla’s Mint is dry, use the wax puck here and there along the edges to create a barrier between the base coat and the top coat.


Step Five:

Top coat the exterior with MMS Mora; a soft grey with green undertones.


Step Six:

When the paint is dry, use a putty knife to remove the wax from the wax puck, revealing the Layla’s Mint color beneath Mora.

Hutch, mint-3


Step Seven:

Seal with Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil.

Hutch, mint-1

The effect of the wax puck is very subtle and there are areas along the edges that show the original green finish. Just enough to peek.

Hutch, mint-2

Hutch, mint-4

I added chicken wire to the cupboard doors after these pictures were taken so it really has an enhanced country kitchen hutch vibe.

There is a time and a place…a perfect project for Annie Sloan Paint and perfect pieces for Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint. And, sometimes a piece is ideal for the integration of both product lines!