Greek Blue Chalk Paint®


4oz Sample Pot  |  Pint  |  1 Litre    

This is a warm blue without any green in it. It is a colour found throughout the Mediterranean, often faded and distressed on shutters and woodwork. It has a chalky look about it yet it is a strong positive colour.

ADD OLD WHITE – to make ‘Nantucket’
Add 2 parts of Old White to 1 part of Greek Blue to get a good Cape Cod color

Cornish Blue
ADD MORE OLD WHITE – to make ‘Cornish Blue’
Mixing 1 part of Greek Blue with 8 parts of Old White makes a seaside blue like the blue you see on traditional CORNISH BLUE striped mugs and old fashioned lighthouses


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Painting with Chalk Paint® is unlike any paint you’ve ever used! Therefore, it should go on with extra care. We have some valuable tips for making the painting, waxing and buffing process go smoothly!


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