by Michele | Oct 19, 2018 | Attention Shoppers, Community, Vendor News
From the dogs, to the vendors, to the kids and toddlers, to the team, the volunteers, the artisans…hundreds of people bring the knot too shabby BAZAAR to the Glendora community with PIZZAZZ and PROFITABILITY! Look forward to our next event on April 6th, 2019...
by Michele | Aug 12, 2016 | Attention Shoppers, Community
You may have noticed that knot too shabby in Monrovia stays open late on Friday nights–2 hours later than the rest of the week. But do you know why #knottooshabbyMONROVIA is open every Friday night until 8pm? The Monrovia Friday Night Family Street Fair–a...
by Michele | Mar 2, 2016 | Inspiration, Tips & Tricks, Vendor News
We are just weeks away from our Annual Spring knot too shabby BAZAAR. This year, we have more than a dozen brand new vendors and are over 30% booked. So, now is the time to make the commitment and reserve your booth space for 2016 event! In the meantime, I thought...