by Michele | Oct 19, 2018 | Attention Shoppers, Community, Vendor News
From the dogs, to the vendors, to the kids and toddlers, to the team, the volunteers, the artisans…hundreds of people bring the knot too shabby BAZAAR to the Glendora community with PIZZAZZ and PROFITABILITY! Look forward to our next event on April 6th, 2019...
by Michele | Oct 15, 2017 | Business, Vendor News
We’ve come a long way since our first knot too shabby BAZAAR in 2012! At the 2017 knot too shabby BAZAAR, our vendors handled over $25,000 in tangible transactions! I’m a total numbers girl! I love seeing quantifiable data collected to support qualitative...
by Caitlin | Feb 7, 2017 | Community, Tips & Tricks
While these tips are specifically intended for applicants hoping to become vendors at the knot too shabby BAZAAR, you’re likely to find that this is a secret recipe to getting accepted at any craft fair or vintage market. Here is a preview of the vendor...