Excuse me sir, but how much is your hand?

Today, my hubby and I spent a glorious morning and afternoon at the monthly Pasadena Flea Market, one of my FAVORITE places to go (his, too…and if you don’t believe me, just ask him)! Normally, when I go swap meet shopping, it is with my dearest friend...

Completely Shabby and Totally Chic!

I could hardly contain myself when I found this completely uhhhhmazing yard sale find! Well, to be honest, I was containing myself quite well because my natural assumption was that the asking price was going to be far above what I’d be willing to pay. It was...

Mommy Picker Takes a Break…

…but only for one weekend! I’m free of children for three glorious nights for a weekend getaway to celebrate nine years of marriage. Awwww 😉 I couldn’t leave without sharing my final project for the week and some fantastic sales from the past week....

Totally Revitalized!

Thanks to the holiday weekend, I had loads of time to spend on some outdated furniture pieces that I picked up on Saturday! I completed what has become my favorite furniture retrofit project (at least up to date). An old and very dilapidated vanity, complete with...

I was going to keep it a secret, but…

…I am being forced to spread the word that I am opening a store…hopefully, that is! My plan was to keep the store opening a secret until I knew for sure where and when it was going to happen, but political issues are forcing me to drum up support and...

Crazy with Color

I have renewed my interest in spray paint over the past few weeks. And, despite the exorbitant cost (about $4.00 per 12 oz. can), I’m finding that I can quickly and efficiently finish projects in far less time with much more creativity. After a year of painting...